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an archaeology of device II - Lloyd Godman

The estate of wilderness, primeval secular linkages to antediluvian times, remnants of pre-technology, hidden valleys, secrets still obscured, passages to an ancient origin. Wilderness unsophisticated, uncomplicated, naive, a rawness as yet unrefined. An ambience in repose, vestiges, vibrations of flora/fauna, resonances of organic evolution, echoes. Leaves that rustle in each breeze, twigs now broken on the ground, branches reaching and supporting a wide canopy, strong round trunks anchored firm in the earth. Tangled roots that search and penetrate the humus, interlace fine threads, engulf stones, twist around rocks, bulge and gnarl in places. Small seedlings pushing through the fallen leaves of the generation before, searching for an opening to the light. Rains that drip from leaf tips, run down the bark, dampness on the moss mounds of miniature forest, on the dead leaves on the forest floor, dampness that seeks a pathway down to a stream. Long fern fronds that arch down into water that babbles over rocks and stone. Water that cuts a course for the ocean. Raw boulders uncovered, exposed within a forest floor.

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