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Alternative Photographic Processes - (Hand made photographic -emulsions and processes)


Fume cabinets

The best possible environment to carry out this work is a darkroom with a fume cabinet. It totally contains the fine chemical powders, fumes and liquids, provides good ventilation, splash protection and has running water. While using a fume cabinet might limits the size of prints that you can make, it eliminates all the potential health hazards. This facility also has a comical eye wash located near by.

However they are expensive, and not found in many photographic facilities.

fume cabinet

Fume cabinet at the Photographic dept School of Art Otago Polytechnic

Well equipped darkrooms

Working in a well equipped and ventilated darkroom can provide very good protection and offer running water. It might offer comical eye wash located near by. If this is not available special plastic bottles can be purchased that work well. Being aware of the potential dangers allows one to develop strategies to minimize potential problems.

An excellent teaching darkroom with a 5x1 meter wet sink centrally located, and ventilation directly above the sink.

Home darkrooms

Because home darkrooms tend to be poorly ventilated, photographers may breathe in excessive amounts of chemicals. Encouraging good air flow, and taking regular breaks can minimize any problems. An appropriate ventilation mask can be used to assist with this. Special plastic eye wash bottles can be purchased and kept on hand. Being aware of the potential dangers allows one to develop strategies to minimize potential problems.

Other areas

While there may be other areas like laundries and warehouses etc. that can be converted successfully to create an adequate environment. Make sure that there is good ventilation. An appropriate ventilation mask can be used to assist with this. Being aware of the potential dangers allows one to develop strategies to minimize potential problems.

Non- environments

How ever there are some areas which have been used for this work that defy logic. Areas like kitchens and other areas where food is kept, eaten or prepared are just not appropriate. It is not wise to work in these areas.

It is also a good idea to work away from pets and children.



Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman