Sequence viewing > Photographic Exposure - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Correct Exposure

Why do we have to expose the film or CCD sensor correctly? - Working with Negative film

Over exposure - Negative Film


If the film is grossly over exposed the negative becomes very thick with little detail and no information in the highlight areas as they become blocked up and too dense. When prints are made from this negative they tend to be very contrasty and lack a dynamic range of tones. While over  exposure can be used to create certain effects, it is normally avoided, with optimum results coming from the correct exposure and development combination. 

Thick or over exposed negative


Down rating film

However in some situations where a photographer might want to record more information in the shadows of a subject, the film can be deliberately over exposed and compensated for by under developing the negative. This is done by shooting the entire film at a lower ISO then the films rating. This is called Pulling the film.

With digital photography this does not work in the same way.




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