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Photogram projects by Lloyd Godman - photogram artists

Photograms out doors

A range of photogram techniques can be applied out doors with great effect.


I made this work using the process of photosynthesis used large leaf shapes constructed from layers of news paper laid on the grass for several weeks -


I used the sun to expose this cyanotype


These series of images were made by allowing ocean waves to wash over a sheet of black and white paper. The flash that took the photograph was also the illumination that created the photogram.

To keep the salt water off the equipment, I had the camera in an underwater housing. The curve of the paper lifted by the wind created a shadow and the sand splashes on the top right of the paper added to the abstract visual effect of the image.

The resulting photogram from the image above
Detail of top right



Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman