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Mythology of Place - Homage to James K Baxter - © 1993-94 - Lloyd Godman - Lawrence Jones - Mythology of Place - Book now available

Photographs of James K Baxter's Dunedin Calvanistic World 1993 - 94

 Dunedin Town Hall Clock Tower - 1994

One of three selenium toned silver gelatine prints - Lloyd Godman -

This image is mapped - Click on image detail to enlarge - Full size image


Resonance XXI

Somehow I wanted to relate the Town Belt to the various clocks and the idea came from a series of photographs I had taken several years ago that juxtaposed the  Railway Station with native trees in the foreground and I decided to search for similar links for the other clock towers. While I could find good native trees around the University Clock tower, it was impossible to visually relate these to the clock and the only tree that allowed this was a single Kowhai Tree. The Town Hall was a little easier in that there are a number of healthy trees growing on the balcony of the Mayor's office in the Civic centre. The native trees in front of the Railway Station have since been ripped out to make way for a Flemish Knot Garden. 

Map of Brighton indicating where the image Resonance XXI as taken from

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James K Baxter - Poem references

Dunedin Revisited   1961   CP 235

Three clocks clang early summer time
Across a town as cold as a Shacklock range.

The Cold Hub   1961   CP 256

Laying awake on a bench in the town belt...

Laying awake to the sound of clocks,
The Railway clock, the Town Hall clock,
And the Varsity clock