Sequence viewing > Light & Lighting - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Light in Photography -   LIGHTING -

Portrait Lighting exercise


In situation B the light is still positioned in front of the subject, but from a position well below the face of the mannequin. This is the type of lighting that might be produced from standing around a fire at night and consequently is often used in horror movies or suggest a villain. The under side of the chin is well lit, but the check bones throw a shadow above them, the eyes and below the eyebrows are also in full illumination, with the top of the head falling off into shadow.


Compare other portrait lighting situations


There are standard lighting techniques recommended for portraits and while some photographers follow these to the letter ( I worked for a photographer who had not changed his lighting set up for 20 years) it is more useful to understand how to read light and shadows on the subject and apply this to each subject.

In the next sequence we will have a look at some lighting options with one single desk lamp.

Find a manikin or a doll and try and set the lighting as well as you can to match that in each of the images below. Shot it with a digital camera.

















Once you have shot the images, upload them onto your computer and leave it a week. Then using your images as a guide, try o copy the light in each one as precisely as you can.



Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman










light and lighting source and resource