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workshop - Impressions de Lumière - from an artist in residency at Chateau de Blacons, France - 2007 © Lloyd Godman

workshop - Impressions de Lumière- Lloyd Godman - 2007

Cédric Figue-Henric introduces students from the local school to the exhibition
Each student from the two groups (47 in total) gets a small piece of paper precoated with cyanoype emulsion to create an imag of a leaf on.
The leaves are weighted down with small stones from the drive way.
Inside Chambre Noire, hot but a special experience.
Inside Chambre verte - the Green Room
A helpful student acting as interpreture, explaing the LEAF - light impression works -
Watching the Carbon Onscura DVD
Drying the processed cyanotypes.
Back at the school talking about the cyanotype prints the students created.

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